It gave me pleasure to see the unexpected. But its motivating to have such positive responses.Today wat i'll write will begin with a question and wld like to c suggestions on the same.
"Are v weak? Y does it happen that v are more affected from our external factors and in the sequence of the same just forget as to whre and in wat our true happiness lies?"
I was almost in panic condition, which compelled me to move to my bed for a nap, after a long time in afternoon. It has been years, since I have slept during my day hrs.
I just wanted a response. Negative or positive was not dat important for me at dat hr, but, a response was necessary. I had the gut feeling that I could & would crack it. During my pre-placement talk I had the intution dat dis is my place & I'm gonna get into it.
My eyes half open & half closed were somehow stuck to my mobile. Is dis wat v call an intution? I received my friend's call & the voice screamed congratulations!!!. I couldn't understand as to whether dat was a reality or dis is the dream I wanted to dreamt @ dat hour? It took me a couple of minutes to regain myself for the fact, which I earnestly desired for.
For the first time ever in my life till now I enjoyed the beauty of the statement which says" dat d beautiful couple in the universe are !!!....Te@r$ & Dre@m$.....!!!, dey rarely meet nd wenvr dey do, dey create a rainbow".
And so, the same was in front of me. the rainbow of hope,desire, hardwork, willingness, blessings, dreams. hurriedly, I rush to the college. out of 66 in all dere were just 6 who got selected for the same. The voices kept moving around my ears for congratulating me on the same, but, I was as if has lost my nerves for the same. I could not sense it. I just wanted my family to knw abt it as soon as possible. Dat day I cursed myself for not keeping even a penny in my mobile. Wen I told dem dey had tears of joy and I knew it. I cant express in words as to how much satisfied I felt @ dat moment.
The rosy days passed in a week or so and den came the season of sarcasm. half of the classmates were into it. Y girls? wats so special in dem & all sort of jerk questions.
I remember, once while reading sm1's interview , there was a statement, which in crux meant dat "d most difficult thing in life is to be always optimistic".
I was finding it happening correct. The external factors were overpowering me & I had no clues as to how do I come out of it. I knew wat was going in evrybd's mind, but, was dat true, dat I couldn't sense it just coz @ dat moment it din't happen wid me?
I wonder now is dis materialistic? Is it wrong to feel happy for your own hardwork? Is dere anything wrong in fulfilling the desires of your family?
These questions kept burgaling my mind day in and day out & I had no ans for da same. For today i would like to hold myself here to find the answer for the same.
Till den
and another nice blog.
ReplyDeletemade me think in a way..
just be happy,
dont think of anything else,
its your life anyway..